A note from the director

So begins the countdown!!

Today (SEPT. 1) marks the 3 WEEK COUNTDOWN of our first scheduled shoot in Tahoe! Five years ago, I began writing a script that was 3 pages long with nothing but water, a young maiden, and a flowing dress. Five years later (through blood, sweat, tears, actor changes, 3 script consultants, deaths, relationship endings, emergency surgery, and major writers block,) it is coming to fruition!

Today, the script is 15 pages, four major scenes, and many characters stronger and larger (think the movie JAWS when Brody said “Your gonna need a bigger boat!”….. I said to myself  “You’re gonna need a BIGGER budget!”) So my savings became this film. Remember me when I’m old folks – that I did it for ART! (…because I’ll need you to let me move into your basement. ; )

Take a look at three recently acquired key props below. Did you think this whole film was underwater? Hah! Stay tuned and find out when the film is released!

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In service,
Your director,
