After a winter break and allowing weather to calm, we are back in action and ready to complete principal photography. Camille is completing her scuba training and will be certified by March!
In the meantime, we come full circle and finish how we started: in the water! I am currently working with a local projectionist to create a digital .DCP file of the test footage that can be projected on a big screen. When I know what the underwater image will look like projected, I will have a better idea on what course to take with the visuals underwater.
The road ahead: In the final days of February, we will be completing pick up shots at both the Chapel of the Chimes and Port Costa, getting Camille certified, and continuing to scout for the best pool location. Once we have camera selection and pool location, then it will be time get in the water. There is one, final, challenging, top secret scene which needs to be filmed beyond that, but we are closing in on post production!
The ‘Post’ crew: the final stage will involve bringing in a team of VFX, sound design, and color correction, and I am currently scratching my funds together to be able to complete that phase, while also preparing to apply for a completion grant in April.
Until our next water log entry, we leave you with some behind the scenes, not so ‘top-secret’ fun! Stay tuned…more to come!
-Photos courtesy Denna Bendall